Studio Policies

Updated June 2024

West Point Ballet Students are expected to:

  • Be prepared for class by arriving on time and adhering to the studio dress code 

    • Dress code for female students includes a black leotard, pink tights, pink ballet shoes, and hair in a neat ballet bun. 

    • Dress code for male students includes a white compression-style shirt, black shorts, and black ballet shoes 

  • Come to class with a good attitude and ready to work hard

  • Do their best to retain class material from one week to the next

  • Learn choreography for performances

  • Attend special rehearsals (as applicable), attend dress rehearsals, and participate in studio performances

  • Be respectful to teachers and fellow students; West Point Ballet has a zero-tolerance policy for bullying 

  • Commit to classes for the entire school year unless extenuating circumstances (such as moving or job loss) arise. Those who withdraw early from classes will be subject to a $50 withdrawal fee.

  • Help maintain the cleanliness of the studio by cleaning up after themselves.

  • All Academy and Utah Theatre Ballet dancers are required to attend either the June or July summer session AND the August Bootcamp.

West Point Ballet parents and guests are expected to:

  • Read studio communications sent via email text, Shout messages, and/ or in the Google Drive folder in a timely manner to stay informed

  • Join our Parent Community on Shout and read studio announcements

  • Review recent studio communications and website before asking questions 

  • Be familiar with and agree to West Point Ballet’s Studio Policies 

  • Be familiar with important dates as evident on the Studio Calendar 

  • Enroll in autopay, keep payment information up to date, and pay any additional fees or outstanding balances on time 

  • Attend any applicable Zoom parent meetings and beginning of the year Open House

  • Alert the studio to any medical needs your dancer may have that we need to be aware of

  • Alert the studio to any issues or concerns you may have (i.e. bullying)

  • Avoid interrupting classes and rehearsals. Please do not:

    • watch or wave through the windows in the studios

    • record class time or rehearsals 

    • talk loudly in the waiting area

    • walk into the studios while rehearsals or classes are in progress. 

  • Keep young children entertained so they do not become a distraction to the dancers while classes are in progress.

West Point Ballet parents and guests are encouraged to:

  • Volunteer during performances

  • Get to know other parents and build relationships

  • Join our Parents of West Point Ballet Facebook group

  • Follow West Point Ballet on Instagram and Facebook

Studio Policies

Dress Code

Dancers at West Point Ballet Academy should dress in classical ballet attire. For female dancers, this includes a black leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes. Please no skirts, tutu dresses, or warm-ups. For male dancers, this includes plain black shorts (like basketball shorts), a plain white compression shirt, black ballet shoes with black socks. Undergarments should not be seen. Girl's hair should be slicked back in a ballet bun, with no hair hanging in the face.

Female dancers

Leotards should be black and should not have an attached skirt. You can choose a style that your dancer would prefer: tank top, spaghetti strap, cap sleeve, or long sleeve. Academy dancers will receive one Academy leotard which should be worn to class on specified days.


Tights should be pink. We recommend selecting a shade of pink that matches one's ballet shoes. Tights should be footed. Convertible tights are preferred. Tights with a seam down the back are preferred.

-Ballet shoes

Ballet shoes should be pink and ideally will match the shade of pink of one's tights. We recommend canvas ballet shoes with pre-sewn elastics (instead of leather) and we prefer shoes without drawstrings. 

Dancers who are not on pointe should not wear pointe shoes until they have passed their pointe shoe test AND have been given approval by the studio owner. Dancers are not permitted to purchase pointe shoes without the studio owner's approval, even if it's just to play dress up at home. Dancers can seriously injure themselves if they have not learned the correct technique or possess the needed strength. Dancers who aren't on pointe should wear ballet slippers. You can find our full dress code on our website.

Male dancers

Male dancers should wear a plain white compression-style shirt. 


Shorts should be like soccer or basketball shorts and plain black. Male dancers are encouraged to wear black compression ballet tights if they wish. 

-Ballet shoes

Ballet shoes should be black. We recommend canvas ballet shoes with pre-sewn elastics (instead of leather) and we prefer shoes without drawstrings. Socks can be worn if desired and should be plain white or black. 

Dancewear can be purchased at local dance stores or online: 

Dancewear Inc. 
8922 S 700 E
Sandy, UT 84070

Note: If you purchase items at Dancewear Inc., mention that your dancer is from West Point Ballet to receive a 10% discount. 

For your reference, we have included several online options below: 


  • Please see Tuition & Fees for an explanation and breakdown of our tuition and fees.

  • Tuition is automatically charged on the 5th of each month for dancers at the Bluffdale studio. You are required to pay via autopay. Tuition is based on a 9-month session, averaging 4 weeks per month. Equal payments are made each month from September to May. Tuition for August 2024 will be half tuition and charged on August 5. Tuition is calculated by class length. If tuition is more than 5 days late, a $10 fee will apply. Tuition is non-refundable. ​

  • Tuition for rec center dancers is paid to the rec center. Other fees will be paid via autopay directly to West Point Ballet through the parent portal.

Split Payments:

If needed, and at the discretion of West Point Ballet, West Point Ballet may be able to set up split payments between two parties of one dancer, and their siblings, if applicable, at the request of the account holder.

Split payments can be set up by emailing West Point Ballet at to permit West Point Ballet to split tuition and fee payments between parties. However, West Point Ballet is not responsible for obtaining payment information from any parties involved. It is the responsibility of the account holder to contact all parties involved before requesting split payments be applied. Non-account holders will need to request split payments through the account holder.

Payment information from all parties involved must be provided within 10 business days of the request being made, AND before the 25th of the month to allow us time to set up split payments BEFORE tuition and fees are charged. Tuition and fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Payments that have been made before split pay has been set up will not be refunded. It is the job of the parents to make sure we have all of the needed information in advance of tuition and fees being charged to avoid any payment issues. 

Parent Portals:

Each sibling group has access to one Parent Portal. Our system is not designed to have more than one parent portal for each dancer/sibling group. The main account holder is considered the responsible party and all communication with West Point Ballet, account changes, etc. must go through them.

Studio Withdrawal:

We expect that dancers will participate in classes for the entirety of the school year. However, we understand that extenuating circumstances (such as job loss or moving) occur and withdrawals need to happen. To withdraw a dancer from a class or enrollment altogether, an email request must be sent to by the 25th of the month in order for tuition to not be charged the following month. There will be a $50 withdrawal fee if canceled after August 1, 2024, or at any point during the school year. Tuition refunds will not be given after tuition is paid. Please keep in mind that studio fees (registration, academy fee, costume, performance, and video recording) are non-refundable once paid. If you choose to withdraw your dancer after those fees have been paid, they will still be non-refundable. 


We have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. If you see or suspect bullying, please notify us immediately.


Makeup classes are optional and may be available to non-academy dancers who miss class due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. illness) at the discretion of the studio owner. Dancers have 10 days from the date of the missed class to make it up. Makeup classes must be coordinated with West Point Ballet by emailing within 24 hours of the missed class. Class options for makeup classes will be provided by West Point Ballet based on the dancer's skill level and age. 

If classes are canceled due to emergency closures (i.e. weather, power outages, etc.) West Point Ballet may decide to offer a makeup class for classes that were not held. If so, we will contact you with makeup class options. If a class is in session but is dismissed early due to an emergency closure a makeup class may be offered at the discretion of the studio owner.

We do not offer makeup classes or prorated tuition for classes that fall on holidays or for classes dismissed early due to weather conditions. Holiday closures are taken into consideration when we set our tuition for the upcoming year. Please see "Tuition" for more information on how we set tuition for the year.

If your dancer is sick please do not bring them to ballet. You can log their absence in the parent portal. The parent portal will notify your dancer's teacher that they will not be attending class. If your dancer is no longer contagious but has lingering side effects (i.e. coughing), and they feel up to coming, they are welcome to attend class as long as they wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth. Makeup classes may be an option, at the discretion of the studio owner.

Two student minimum:

It is our policy that there must be at least​ two students in attendance in order to conduct a class. If for some reason only one student arrives for class, the class will then be canceled for liability purposes. That student will be given some make-up class choices; making up the class is optional. 

Observing classes:

It is our policy to not allow parents, family members, friends, or spectators to observe class on a regular basis. This is to help minimize the amount of outside distractions that can pull a dancer's attention away from the class. Parents will be invited on special parent observation days to see the progress and growth of the dancers. 

Observing trial classes:

Parents are not typically allowed to watch classes unless it is a designated parent observation day. However, we want you to get a feel of how we teach, and if you decide to enroll, we want you to be comfortable leaving your dancer with us. If your dancer is in one of our main studios with a small window, you are welcome to take one quick peek through the window to see how your dancer is doing. We kindly ask that you do not enter the studio or remain at the window for the entire class as it can be distracting for all of the students.

No Waiting Inside the Studio During Class Time

Due to limited space and in an effort to keep outside noise to a minimum, we ask that parents do not wait in the lobby for their dancers during afternoon classes. You are welcome to escort your dancer into the studio to drop off and pick up if that makes both of you more comfortable. If you prefer to stay close to the studio while your dancer is in class, you are welcome to wait in your car. If you choose to wait in your car please park in a designated parking spot, not in front of any of the garage doors.

Late Pick-Up Policy:

Parents are expected to pick up their dancers within 10 minutes of the end of their ballet class. West Point Ballet is not responsible for dancers not picked up at the end of class. Parents who are more than 10 minutes late and who have not notified West Point Ballet that they are running behind, may be assessed a late pickup fee of $15 to cover the cost of paying our admin team to watch your dancer. Please plan accordingly to go around any construction, traffic congestion, or parking lot queuing. 

Pointe Shoes Policy:

Dancers who are not on pointe should not wear pointe shoes until they have passed their pointe shoe test AND have been given approval by the studio owner. Dancers are not permitted to purchase pointe shoes without the studio owner's approval, even if it's just to play dress up at home. Dancers can seriously injure themselves if they have not learned the correct technique or possess the needed strength. Dancers who aren't on pointe should wear ballet slippers. You can find our full dress code on our website.

In-studio rehearsals

  • Extra rehearsals are mandatory for principals, soloists, featured roles, etc. You will have access to rehearsal schedules so you can plan accordingly. If you have any conflicts, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us at, though we cannot guarantee that an adjustment can be made to the schedule. 

  • It is our policy to hold closed-door rehearsals. Parents are expected to drop dancers off and pick them up after rehearsals. Due to limited space in the studio and parking, parents are not allowed to stay on campus for rehearsals, unless they are a designated volunteer helping with the rehearsal in some capacity. For older dancers, please wait in your car when you come to pick up your dancer. For younger dancers, parents are permitted to come into the lobby to collect their dancers once the rehearsal has concluded. Parents are never permitted to disrupt a rehearsal that is in progress or enter the studio without permission. 

  • Rehearsal times are ESTIMATED. We do our best to stay on track but with all of the moving pieces, and the number of students we are working with, rehearsals may not end at the scheduled time. We will keep you updated, via our parent group chats, about delays and early dismissals. 

  • Parents are expected to be respectful to other parents, volunteers, teachers, and staff.

  • West Point Ballet is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items. Please write your dancer's name on everything. Lost items may be found at the studio in Bluffdale.

Dress Rehearsal and Performances

Each year, West Point Ballet plans to have three mainstage performances. The Nutcracker, Pointe CounterPointe, and a spring performance which is typically a story ballet. We don't anticipate adding additional big performances but occasionally amazing opportunities are presented to us and we may decide to jump on them.

All Utah Theatre Ballet (UTB) and Ballet Academy students are expected to participate in Nutcracker, Pointe CounterPointe, and the spring performance. Ballet Academy and UTB students are required to audition for The Nutcracker and our spring performance. There is a $15 audition fee due at the time of registration for auditions. Those who miss auditions may not be considered for lead roles but will still likely be able to participate in the class dance.

Recreational and Rec Center dancers may choose to audition for Nutcracker. Attendance at extra rehearsals is mandatory for those who are selected to perform in The Nutcracker. All extra rehearsals are done at the Bluffdale studio. There is a $15 fee to audition for Nutcracker.

All Recreational dancers at our Bluffdale studio are expected to perform in our spring performance, unless they register for ballet class after the deadline to register to participate has passed. For dancers who register after the deadline, participation in our end-of-year performance is at the discretion of the studio owner. Performance fees will be due upon registration if registering after the deadline. 

Rec Center dancers may opt in to perform in our spring performance if they meet the required criteria prior to the registration deadline. Performance fees for Rec Center dancers will be decided and disclosed to parents well in advance, and paid directly to West Point Ballet. Performance-related fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Recreational and Rec Center dancers do not perform in Pointe CounterPointe.

Occasionally, dancers are asked to provide part of their costumes. This could include ballet slippers that aren't pink, ballet skirts, character shoes, etc. Many times, dancers already own these items and it helps us to keep costume fees down.

All extra rehearsals, full cast run-thrus, and dress rehearsals are mandatory. Missed rehearsals may result in dancers being pulled from the performance. The decision to pull dancers from a performance will be decided by the studio owner and is final. Performance fees will not be refunded if a dancer is pulled from a performance. 


  • Dress rehearsal: Parents are expected to check in their dancers at the check-in table and pick them back up at the end of the rehearsal. Please see our rehearsal policies above for additional information about rehearsals. 

  • Dancers and volunteers must check in at the check-in table.

  • Parents are welcome to volunteer as chaperones. 

  • Dancers should be picked up immediately after performances end. Please do not wait until your dancer texts that they are ready to be picked up before you head over to grab them. We do not have the volunteer staffing in place for an extended wait time for you to collect your dancer. 

  • Parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends, etc., are not allowed in the dressing rooms unless they are volunteering. All volunteers MUST be signed in and have a badge to enter the dressing rooms. This is West Point Ballet's policy as well as Mid-valley Performing Arts Center's policy. 

  • Parents are expected to be respectful to other parents, volunteers, teachers, and staff, especially while a performance is happening. 

  • West Point Ballet is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items. Please write your dancer's name on everything. If any lost items are collected at the theater, they may be found at the studio in Bluffdale.


We love and appreciate all those who choose to volunteer. Putting together and pulling off performances to the scale that we do, wouldn’t be possible without the help of our wonderful volunteers. Volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year. Up to two complimentary tickets per family will be given to those who sign up to help during performance week and can be redeemed for the NEXT performance. For instance, if you volunteer once during performance week for Nutcracker, you will receive one comp ticket for Pointe CounterPointe. If you volunteer for two or more opportunities during the Pointe CounterPointe, you will receive two comp tickets for the spring ballet.


West Point Ballet currently outsources the sale of event tickets to ArtTix. Questions or concerns about tickets purchased through ArtTix should be addressed with them. Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable. We have no control over the amount of tickets each family purchases. 

West Point Ballet performances are professional performances and as such we ask that you leave children under the age of three at home. Younger children and babies have a hard time sitting through an entire performance and many times need to be taken out, which causes distractions to those in the audience and dancers on the stage. 

See our Comp Ticket policy to learn how you can earn free tickets.

Comp tickets

We are grateful to those who choose to volunteer during performance week. As a thank you, volunteers will receive complimentary tickets to the next West Point Ballet performance.

Each family can earn up to 2 complimentary tickets. 

Those who earn comp tickets are given access to our ticket pre-sale which allows them to redeem their comp tickets and purchase other tickets before tickets go on sale to the general public.

Drop off & pick up at the Bluffdale Studio:

To register for ballet classes at West Point Ballet:

  • Dancers must be at least 3 years old and potty trained. Dancers who wish to attend the Adult Ballet class must be at least 18+ years old.

  • Rec center dancers must register with West Point Ballet AND at the rec center.

  • If you would like to try a class BEFORE you register, we would love to have you stop by for a FREE trial class.

Click the button below to REGISTER for ballet classes at West Point Ballet

Important Information Rec Center Dancers

  • Registration at the rec center is a two-step process. You will need to register with us AND with the rec center.

  • The rec center does not share information with us. If we do not have an email address or phone number on file, you will not receive communications from us.

  • Monthly tuition is due the 5th of each month, but we encourage parents to pay tuition and sign up at the rec center by the 15th of the current month to hold their spot for the next month.

  • Tuition is paid to the rec center.

  • Other fees are paid directly to West Point Ballet. Autopay is required and can be set up in your parent portal.

    • There is a $25 annual registration fee due upon registration.

    • Performance fees. To see a list of performance fees, please visit our website.

  • Most of our communication is done in our parent communities but we also communicate through email and text messages.

  • Waivers must be signed and returned to West Point Ballet within one week of registration to participate in ballet classes. These waivers include a liability waiver, text/email marketing opt-in (so we can contact you), and a photo release. All three waivers MUST be signed.

We consider our classes and students at the J.L. Sorenson Rec Center to be just as much a part of our studio as those students and classes in Riverton. Because the classes in Herriman are held at a facility that is not ours, there are some important points we would like to highlight to best prepare you and your dancer for participating at this location:

  1. Dancers at the J.L. Sorenson Rec Center must register through the Rec Center as well as West Point Ballet. 

  2. The rec center's enrollment system is organized on a monthly basis meaning you will have to confirm that your dancer is continuing the next month by the 15th of the current month in order to hold their spot. 

  3. Tuition is paid directly through J.L. Sorenson Rec Center; you must authorize each month's payment as the Rec Center does not currently offer an autopay option.

  4. Tuition must be paid by the 15th of the current month for the next month.

  5. Non-Academy dancers at the Rec Center and in Riverton will only participate in the Spring Story Ballet. As such, there will be additional performance-related fees that will be payable directly to West Point Ballet via the payment information you included in your Parent Portal. View more information about our fees on our website.