Tuition & Fees

Tuition for 2024-2025

  • Tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable

  • Tuition is automatically charged on the 5th of each month; you are required to enroll in autopay through your Dance Studio Pro (DSP) Parent Portal account 

  • Tuition is based on a 9.5-month session averaging 4 weeks per month 

  • Equal tuition payments are made each month from September through May

  • Tuition for August 2024 will be half tuition and charged on August 5th

  • If tuition is late, a $25 fee will apply

  • If withdrawing from classes before the end of the school year, notice must be given 5 business days before the end of the month to avoid tuition being charged. A $50 withdrawal fee will apply if canceling after August 1, 2024, or at any point during the school year.

    If you are participating in ballet classes at the Rec Center, monthly tuition will be paid through the Rec Center. All other fees will be paid directly to West Point Ballet through the parent portal.

Tuition Discounts
Tuition is discounted for siblings, 10% off the family's total tuition amount; this sibling discount does not apply to Summer classes. Tuition is discounted 5% for paying tuition annually rather than monthly. Annual tuition must be paid via check. Military discount of 15% off monthly tuition. Refer a friend and you'll both receive 25% off one month's tuition after they have been enrolled for a month. 

Fees for Recreational/Non-Academy Dancers

​These fees apply to dancers in recreational (once per week) classes. All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable; even if your dancer chooses to withdraw from classes after the fee is charged but before the performance to which the fee is applied. ​

Annual Registration Fee: $25 per dancer

  • Due upon registration for Fall classes​

Spring Ballet Costume Fee: $85 per dancer

  • Due alongside January's tuition and charged on January 5, 2025

  • All dancers will perform in the Spring Ballet performance

Spring Ballet Performance Fee: $40 per dancer

  • Due alongside March's tuition and charged on March 5, 2025

  • All dancers will perform in the Spring Ballet performance

​Video Recording Fee for Story Ballet: $15 per dancer

  • Due alongside April's tuition and charged on April 5, 2025

Withdrawal Fee: $50 per dancer

  • There will be a $50 withdrawal fee if your dancer withdraws from class after August 1, 2024, or before May 24, 2025.

Nutcracker Participation Fee (only applies to non-academy dancers who opt-in to performing in Nutcracker): $125 due on September 14, 2024

Fees for Ballet Academy Dancers

These fees apply to dancers in all ballet academy classes as well as Utah Theatre Ballet and Utah Theatre Ballet 2. All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable; even if your dancer chooses to withdraw from classes after the fee is charged but before the performance to which the fee is applied. ​

Annual Registration Fee: $25 per dancer

  • Due on August 1, 2024, or upon registration if registering after 8/01/24​

Withdrawal Fee: $50 per dancer

  • There will be a $50 withdrawal fee if your dancer withdraws from class after August 1, 2024, or before May 24, 2025.

Ballet Academy Fee: $250

  • Due alongside September's tuition on September 5, 2024

  • Covers a Ballet Academy jacket, Ballet Academy leotard, costume rental fees for The Nutcracker, Pointe CounterPointe, and our end-of-year performance

  • This fee is only applicable to dancers in a ballet academy level, as well as Utah Theatre Ballet and Utah Theatre Ballet 2

​Nutcracker Performance and Video Recording Fees: $55 per dancer

  • Due alongside October's tuition on October 5, 2024

  • This fee is only applicable to dancers in a ballet academy level, as well as Utah Theatre Ballet and Utah Theatre Ballet 2

Pointe CounterPointe Performance and Video Recording Fees: $55 per dancer

  • Due alongside January's tuition and charged on January 5, 2025

  • This fee is only applicable to dancers in a ballet academy level, as well as Utah Theatre Ballet and Utah Theatre Ballet 2

Spring ballet Performance Fee and Video Recording Fees: $55 per dancer

  • Due alongside April’s tuition and charged on April 5, 2025

  • All dancers will perform in the Spring performance